
“CROS” Camp. 07092010448

Oricât de mult m-aș fi pregătit pentru ce urma să experimentez, nimic nu avea să fie egalat.
De ce?
Pentru că “echipa organizatoare”, “participanții” și “invitații” s-au completat permanent montând un spațiu perfect de dezvoltare.

Ne-am refugiat o săptămână printre mulți nori și câteva raze de soare în Munții Piatra Craiului, la Plaiul Foii. Până și operatorilor de telefonie le-a fost greu să ne găsească. Așa că am avut răgaz să ne cunoaștem pe îndelete împărtășindu-ne reciproc din experiențe, jucându-ne și depășindu-ne limitele.

Trebuie încercat.
Până să-mi adun toate cuvintele, vă las cu mesajul primit de la “Traian”. Descrie în parte ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu noi pe parcursul celor șaze zile în CROS Camp.

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning

“A great life doesn’t ‘just happen’ for a few while others are
condemned to mediocrity. A GREAT life is the elegant and delight
result of doing certain things, in the right way, at the right time.”
These are the words of leadership guru and coach Philip Humbert in a
recent article, How to live a G.R.E.A.T. Life. He believes that a
great life doesn’t happen by mere accident, and shares his five-step
process for living a great life.

“1. A GREAT life begins with GOALS. Few things in life are as
meaningful, exciting and powerful as the progressive accomplishment of
goals we truly desire. Powerful, value- driven goals get us up in the
morning, keep us focused, and push us forward all day long. Whether
it’s a teenager’s desire for a date or a driver’s license, a young
couple’s desire for children, or the dream of starting your own
business, goals push, pull and drive us forward.

2. A GREAT life is focused on RESULTS. A great life doesn’t worry
about whether things are easy or difficult. It’s not about the
approval of others. A great life is focused on getting important
things done! It’s about using your time, skills, tools and talents to
create the life your truly want. It’s about achieving the RESULTS that
are important to you.

3. A GREAT life is about EXCELLENCE. A great life is not about being
average. It’s is not built on mediocrity or settling for second-best.
A GREAT life is about having the life, the relationships, the
environment and circumstances that make you feel fantastic! It’s about
being excellent in everything you do, every day. It’s about being a
person of integrity, honesty, skill and achievement. Whether your
goals relate to parenting, business, fame or fortune, it’s about being
a person of EXCELLENCE.

4. A GREAT life is based on ACTION. Nothing gets done until something
gets done! I know, that’s a solipsism, but it’s also true. A great
life is built! Clear thinking, careful planning, and superb strategies
are helpful, but in the end, a great life is based on action that
moves you in the direction you want to go. Even poor or inefficient
action will move you forward. Take action! Take action every single
day that moves you toward the life you desire and deserve.

5. A GREAT life takes TIME. How much time depends on the goal.
Meditation can bring peace of mind in moments.”

Living a great life is a choice we make each moment of each day. Barbara Sher, career/lifestyle coach, writes: “Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do – can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music.” Choose wisely; choose well. Fill the world with your beautiful and magnificent music… and have fun doing it.

Cum bine spune “Marian Staș”, singurul lucru care ne rămâne de făcut este să fructificăm aceste semințe puse la încolțit.

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